Sunday, February 1, 2015

#stoptheseizures Cannabis Is Medicine - In Memory Pictures

In January 2015 The Parents Coalition for Rescheduling Medical Cannabis released its You Tube video simply titled #stoptheseizures. The video shares our message that cannabis must be removed from the federal government's banned Schedule 1 list so that medical research can happen in the United States and patients can have safe access. It took of beyond our wildest expectations. This was in the top 100 videos on You Tube for the day of its release and hit 50,000 views in two weeks.

We decided to ride the momentum by inviting parents of kids with debilitating conditions and sick adults to post their pictures with #stoptheseizures, #stopcancer, #hope4autism, etc. as the hashtags and cannabis is medicine and their states as the tagline. Participation was so overwhelming that we've turned this into a post card campaign to Michelle Obama.

Why the First Lady? In the past we reached out to the Attorney General, the Health and Human Services Secretary, and the President himself to little response. So this time we direct our plea to the mother figure of America, Michelle Obama, mom to mom. Our message is simple: talk to your husband. Please ask him remove cannabis from the banned federal Schedule 1 list so research can happen in the U.S. and patients with debilitating conditions can have safe access.

On February 9th 2015 we will send thousands of postcards of our kids from all 50 states to the First Lady so they arrive at approximately the same time in an avalanche. Our objective: to meet with her office and open a dialogue on this issue.

This past week we noticed our pictures were disappearing from the photo gallery on Facebook. Not all of them, just here and there, but enough vanished that we noticed. We can only assume that as these are being shared people are flagging them as offensive and Facebook is removing them. So, in addition to sharing them in the photo gallery of our public Facebook page we will also store them, state by state, or, in some cases, condition by condition, on this blog.

Below are photos that parents have posted in memory of their children who have passed from seizures while waiting for access to this medicine, as well as for Jackson, who is not pictured. We thank them not only for sharing their children's stories with us but also for their continued advocacy on behalf of others.


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